Studies show that the incidence of drivers injured due to manually operating the landing gear is 2.5% per year.
The percentage increases 4-fold to 10% for drivers ages 50 or older, as well as for female drivers.
The Patriot Lift® Landing Gear Automation reduces the incidence of injury from up to 10% down to zero.
Ergonomics StudySafety Bulletin"Work Smarter Not Harder"Women In TruckingNIOSH PresentationPatriot Lift OSHA presentationOrthopedic Surgeon EndorsementOSHA OFFICIAL Success Stories PatriotLift®Fleet BenefitsInformational BrochurePatriot Lift® PresentationInstallation Manual SAF Holland Landing GearInstallation Manual JOST Landing GearMade in America

On their website OSHA SUCCESS STORY Occupational Health & Safety Administration describes the success story of implementing ON-Lift® on a fleet of 700 trailers in the food distribution area that paid back the cost of On-Lift®, strictly on the reduction in workers compensation.
We are extremely excited that OSHA has just embraced the technology of air powered landing gear as a significant improvement in reducing injuries over manually raising and lowering the landing gear.
Studies show that the incidence of drivers injured by manually operating the landing gear is 2.5% year.
The percentage increases 4 fold to 10% with drivers aged 50 & up as well as women drivers.
The Automation brings the incidence of injury from up to 10% down to Zero.
Please contact us at 207-703-8433 or drivers@onlift.com
Studies show that the incidence of drivers injured by manually operating the landing gear is 2.5% year.
The percentage increases 4 fold to 10% with drivers aged 50 & up as well as women drivers.
The Automation brings the incidence of injury from up to 10% down to Zero.
Please contact us at 207-703-8433 or drivers@onlift.com